Sales Funnels

A sales funnel is a series of automated emails structured to move prospects and customers forward along the sale process.

If the prospect takes action A, email #2 is sent out. If the prospect doesn’t take action, email #3 is sent. If action B is taken, email #4 is sent… et cetera.

Structuring your sales funnel is not hard to do for most marketers, but it can be time consuming to plan, write, and test. If your company offers multiple products or services, and needs multiple sales funnels, there just might not be enough time in your day. This is where a professional copywriter can help.

At minimum, you may want a copywriter to edit or improve the autoresponder emails your company has produced. Or, you may need someone to write the needed emails. Perhaps you’ve heard of sales funnels, know you need one, but just can’t be bothered with it, and need a professional to plan it out for you. Whatever your circumstances, we can help. Contact us now to discuss your project.